Statement of Objects and Reasons - Differential General Rates 2024-25

Rates are issued every financial year and are due and payable within 35 days of the issue date of the rates notice.

Rates Brochure 2024-2025

Rates Instalment Scheme

The following payment options are now available to ratepayers, provided that all arrears have been paid in full:

  • Option 1 – Payment in full by the due date 
  • Option 2 – Payment by four instalments

There will be an instalment charge applicable to Option 2.

The additional amount will be detailed on your rate notice and will be incorporated into the instalment payments.

Should you wish to make alternative arrangements to the options detailed on the rates notice, contact the Rates Officer on +618 9162 6649.

Ratepayers must elect to use one of these options otherwise an interest charge of 7% per annum (calculated daily) will apply on all rates outstanding after the 35 days from the issue of the Rate Notice.


If you meet the following criteria as at 1st July of the financial year shown on the front of your rate notice, you may be entitled to register for a concession of up to 50% on your Council rates.


  • You are the owner or part owner of the property
  • You live at the property
  • You hold a current Pensioner Concession Card or Rates Concession Card and are receiving a pension of a type stipulated under the Rates and Charges (Rebates and deferments) Act 1992 as amended.

In order to obtain a concession for the current financial year you MUST register before the due date for payment, as shown on your rates notice.

If you are already registered as a pensioner with Council, you are not required to re-register unless your circumstances have changed since your last registration.

You are required to notify Council in writing when you cease to be an eligible pensioner. Failing to do so is an offence and carries a penalty of $1,000.

For further information regarding pensioner concessions, please contact Council’s Rates Officer on +618 9162 6649.

Interim Rates

Some ratepayers may receive amended rate accounts as a result of the Valuer General has changed the Gross Rental Value of the property. The Gross Rental Value(GRV) is the annual amount that the owner could obtain from rental of the property, and is assessed by the Valuer General.

The GRV is used as the base upon which rates are levied and values are generally reviewed every three years. Any alteration to the property could also result in an amendment to the valuation ie. Improvements, development or additions.

Penalty Interest

An interest charge of 7% per annum calculated daily will be added to all rates outstanding after the due date. Interest is not charged to registered and eligible pensioners.

Minimum Rates

The minimum rate is set to ensure that affected property owners contribute an equitable and realistic rate to assist with the provision of services provided by the Shire.

Objections and Appeals

Objections must be lodged with the Valuer General’s Office within 60 days after the issue of the Rates Notice. Rates must still be paid pending the outcome of the objection. A refund will be issued if an objections is upheld. Objection Forms are available at the Shire office.

Change of Address

Please advise the Shire in writing or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of any change of address to which notices should be sent quoting the relevant property and rate assessment details. It is the Ratepayers responsibility to advise the Shire of the correct address for service of rates notices.


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